Sunday 26 August 2012

Pandora Hearts: Collapse

Blades clashed against one another. The Chain, Alice, the B-Rabbit, grinned in satisfaction as she brought down her scythe on another lower leveled Chain and jumped back to the ground.

She chuckled as she hefted the scythe to her shoulders. "It's getting boring having to deal with the lot of you every single day." she said as she swung her scythe once more, hitting numerous Chains which dissolved in an instant.

"Alice." A voice called from behind her spoke as the brunette turned to the owner of the voice. "We should head back to the manor, Break might go looking for us soon."

Alice let out an annoyed sigh and hid her blade before following the other back to their temporary home, the group of Chains having been destroyed with the last swing.


"Welcome back, Gilbert." Vincent Nightray greeted as his older brother closed the door behind him, Echo sitting beside him. "I take it things didn't go as planned?" he voiced out, smiling a bit.

Gilbert turned to look at him with a blank stare. He gave a small nod before heading to the second floor. Vincent sighed.

"Brother hasn't been the same…" he whispered, gazing at the spot where his brother once stood. "But considering things, it's understandable. Isn't that right, Echo?"

"Yes, Master Vincent." Echo replied as she gazed out the door. "Master Gilbert has not shown any of his usual self ever since the incident at Pandora."

Vincent smiled sadly at that. The incident at Pandora…of course it started with that. After all, Gilbert had--

"Vincent." a voice called. The blond looked up and put up his usual smile.

"Master." he greeted. "To what do I owe this pleasure?"

The man sat down before him. "Gilbert has returned, correct?" he asked. "Has he made any form of progress?"

Vincent shook his head. Ah, he really needed to cut something right about now. His master was going to annoy him soon.

"I see. It seems his reeducation has caused his performance to drop significantly."

Who's fault could that be? Vincent thought in annoyance. If you hadn't appeared, then Gil would be--

"Vincent." the man called again. "I have a special task for you."

What could it be this time? Vincent frowned. "And what could this task be?" he asked, trying not to make his irritation apparent. He wouldn't want to upset his master, now would he?

"Find Oz Vessalius."

His eyes widened at that. "But why? If Oz Vessalius is found, that might cause Gilbert to--"

"I know what it could do to him, Vincent. However, you must notice that he is the only one who can 'return' Gilbert's stability." his master countered.

Vincent grit his teeth and stood. "Very well then. I will find Oz Vessalius and bring him here." With that, he left, making sure to slam the door.

Damn you…damn you to hell, Leo Baskerville!Was all Vincent could scream in his mind as he continued on his way.

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